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Setting Compliance Priorities in FinTech Masterclass


LIVE Masterclass for FinTech Experts taking place on June 4th 2024 at 14 pm CET (Zurich time) on Zoom 

Juggling multiple compliance priorities within your company, missing deadlines and often feeling let down when your colleagues or business partners are unable to commit to previously agreed plans?

This masterclass is designed to help FinTech Compliance professionals and senior FinTech executives eliminate multitasking overwhelm and setup clear compliance priorities using the proven approach of the Business Hierarchy of Needs. 

If you were led to believe that being compliant means that everything must be done in parallel and that working on many projects at the same time means you are doing your best trying to address as many issues as possible... STOP!

One of the biggest mistakes most FinTech companies make trying to allocate resources between various compliance projects and competing priorities is applying wrong criteria  when deciding what needs to be fixed next. 

If you tried to make prioritization decisions based on the risk ratings, costs, future revenues, urgency of the audit issues, you have probably ended up in one or more of the following scenarios:

  • your company did not enjoy the benefits of having most of these issues fixed simply because something else was not ready;
  • you dropped or changed the decision last minute because something else happened that took over priority;
  • you suffered from long unproductive organizational conflicts, because most criteria appeared to be highly contestable, subjective, or one-sided.

Lack of clear prioritization decisions results in missed deadlines and false commitments: everyone  knows that your stated goals won't be achieved and nobody really will be held accountable, because on the surface everyone is doing their best and works really hard, and there are just too many things to do and not enough people and not enough time.

The good news is that it is absolutely possible to sequence and streamline your tasks and compliance priorities and do one thing at the time. There is a proven system allowing you to determine what needs to be fixed next and what can wait.

Think about it this way: even firefighting is not random or chaotic, it does have rules around what needs to be done in what order.

The same is true for FinTech compliance: there is a simple way to clearly set your priorities based on where your business and your function is at.

This class will teach you to apply a systematic way of setting up your business priorities by identifying the order in which you must fix issues.

The core idea of this method is that businesses must address their problems in a hierarchical order, similar to Maslow's hierarchy of needs for humans. 

You will learn the Business Hierarchy of Needs, which outlines the foundational elements that must be stabilized within your compliance before moving on to higher-level concerns.


  1. Hierarchy of Business Needs and how to diagnose your company's position.
  2. Setting and sequencing compliance priorities.
  3. Metrics to use  to measure progress
  4. Addressing legacy issues, broken commitments, abandoned or stale projects.

After this masterclass you will never again brag about how you are successfully able to handle competing priorities or how great you are at multitasking. Multitasking is not a sign of hard work and is not a sign of progress

If the main reason for your projects being overdue and the main excuse for not finishing things is because you and everyone else around you are doing too many things at the same time, you may be busy, but you are likely very inefficient with you time and with you company's resources. 

Yes, it may very well happen that you are given multiple tasks at the same time or are being assigned projects that compete for your attention. However, if you inherit chaotic thinking, miss deadlines or pretend to commit to things you know you cannot deliver, it is not because you do not have any better options.

You have come to the right place, because your  multitasking nonsense will end after this class!


This offer includes:

  • Access a LIVE masterclass and the class recording. 
  • Workbook with questions and clear methodology description on how to diagnose your company's state and decide what to fix next. 


Please note that this offer is non-refundable.

Logistics: After you will have made the payment, you will receive an email confirmation with joining instructions. 

Questions? – Feel free to write to [email protected]
