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Prepare Your FinTech Startup for Annual Compliance Reporting

This workshop covers all core requirements and disclosures that must be included in your FinTech startup annual reporting. 

Compliance reporting is important because it generates and keeps up-to-date a lot of mandatory documents that you send to your board, investors, regulators, and auditors, but despite the fact that this activity is regular, it usually gets worse instead of getting better and more efficient over time.

Compliance is never about knowing laws or regulations and all about your ability to get results in 4 key areas:

  • Managing licensing and partnerships projects and getting them approved.
  • Optimizing customer experience with respect to technology, onboarding, and transaction monitoring to ensure that compliance requirements don’t lead to lost or unhappy customers.
  • Navigating inspections and audits, so that they don’t result in redundant obligations to fix things that don’t need fixing and don’t add items to your technical debt.


  • ... there is one more area that feels simple and obvious, but it takes up the majority of the team’s time and can completely paralyze all other activities… which is Internal and External Reporting.

Most struggling compliance officers, unfortunately, fall into the same trap: the longer they practice compliance reporting, the more time they need (and not just for themselves, but also for other teams that are supposed to contribute). Misery loves company.

It happens every time, when you don’t follow a clear and simple structure of what to disclose and in which order, and you reinvent your reporting during each reporting cycle, “trying to make it better”. Once you master this structure, you can re-use previously created documents and never overthink what else to say in each section.

It’s very similar to a renovation project that does not have clear boundaries. It feels like you can never complete it, it’s never good enough, there is always more to do and more things to fix, and at some point, you just have to quit it, because you’ve had enough, it took forever, and way beyond your original budget.  

How do you know you lack FOCUS and are at risk of missing your TARGET with compliance formalities?

  1. You created a list of what needs to be done by the year-end, and at each executive meeting the list gets longer and longer and you find more things to do, but nothing actually gets done.
  2. You feel like you cannot find the right "owner" for this project within your company and for some reason, you believe that you need one.
  3. Your compliance team has declined, delayed, or denied clients or project feedback, business support, or otherwise ignored revenue-generating requests because they need to “focus on annual reporting” for the next few weeks.
  4. Everyone is involved in this compliance reporting emergency (including finance, HR, engineering, and customer support teams) and it feels like everyone is running out of time, money, and patience; and nobody currently has any clear ideas on what to prioritize or what’s the right level of details: is it a 5-pager or 500-pager challenge?

What you'll get:

Access to a live training (and later to its recordings) where we cover:

  • Annual MLRO reporting, key  reportable AML metrics to help you prepare for  AML audits;
  • Annual Risk Assessment (template included) and Risk Acceptance Framework
  • Execution of the Compliance Plan (template included)
  • Effectiveness of the Internal Controls Framework
  • Reporting incidents and special events (Covid, Brexit ...)
  • Reporting gaps, deficiencies and exceptions (recently added section).


  • Annual MLRO Report Sample
  • Annual Enterprise Risk Assessment Template
  • Annual Compliance Plan Execution Template language
  • Compliance Assurance Framework Sample
  • Annual Audit Plan sample
  • Internal Controls Report and sample disclosures on the Effectiveness of the Internal Controls
  • Risk Appetite Framework
  • Sample Disclosures for incidents and adverse events reporting

When and how: available on demand

LogisticsAfter you will have made the payment, within approximately 10-15 min you will be granted access to the password-protected area of the course portal where all recorded content and templates will be delivered to you. You will be prompted to create your login and password which you will need to access the program recordings at any time in the future.

This offer is non-refundable as soon as you accessed it. 


Questions? – [email protected]

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